The vast majority of smartphone owners are not even aware that very useful features are hidden in every Android. Each of these mysterious options can significantly increase the efficiency of mobile devices. Therefore, it's time to reveal all the secrets of the creators of Android and give your mobile phone new opportunities.

Mute with a single motion of the hand

One of these "secret chips" allows owners of mobile devices running on the Android OS to mute the sound by simply turning the smartphone. This option is much more convenient than feverishly searching and pressing the volume control or dropping a call from an unwanted subscriber, which is not always convenient.

Running this option is easy:

  • open the menu;
  • go to the "Settings";
  • click on the “Gestures” button;
  • select the function “Rotate to mute”.

Activate panic mode for malicious applications

Each owner of the phone may suddenly encounter an unpleasant situation when the application launched by the user on the screen of the mobile gadget refuses to close in the usual way and clearly tries to crack the smartphone’s protection. For such cases, the “panic mode” was added to the Android OS.

Therefore, now spyware programs, which are even found on Google Play, can be stopped with a few quick taps of the finger on the "Back" button located at the bottom of the smartphone. True, the “panic mode" is available only to those owners of Android mobile phones who have timely updated their OS to version 7.1 and higher.

Turn off lock screen notifications

Many smartphone owners do not particularly enjoy the option to read sent messages on the lock screen. This "trick" appeared in the Android OS after updating to version 5.0. The fact is that these messages can be read by anyone who will be at this moment next to a mobile device.

What to do in this case? Simply selectively turn off notifications that should not be displayed on the locked screen using a simple instruction:

  • open the menu;
  • open in the "Settings";
  • go to the "Notifications";
  • click on the "Advanced" button;
  • in manual mode, disable unwanted messages.

Turn on smartphone on schedule

Mobile gadgets can be hazardous to health if its owners, especially children, do not want to part with their favorite toy either day or night. However, Android developers have come up with an option that allows you to remotely limit the time you use your smartphone.

Now parents can activate the mode of operation of phones belonging to their children, according to the schedule. To do this, go to the smartphone menu, and then sequentially press the three buttons:

  • "Setup";
  • "Additionally";
  • "Scheduled on and off."

In the last paragraph, indicate the operating time of the mobile device using the sliders and confirm the changes. At the end of this simple operation, the phone will automatically switch off at the set time.

Activate desktop widgets

This option helps owners of mobile devices to organize their work in such a way as to instantly receive important news and without having to go to the menu, run programs on the main display.

We are talking about widgets, which in essence are mini-windows to any program installed on a mobile device. With the help of this “chip”, the smartphone owner can instantly find out the weather forecast, set an alarm and even quickly respond to a drop in the exchange rate.

The main thing is to activate the corresponding widget in time. You can do this as follows:

  • click on the "Home" button;
  • go to the "Widgets" tab;
  • click on the selected application with your finger and drag it to the desktop that opens;
  • place the mini-window on the screen.

During installation, some widgets need to be configured, but usually gadgets immediately start working. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the number of widgets on the desktop directly depends on the battery life of the mobile device.

Launch applications with specific gestures

Most smartphone owners are not even aware that they can launch any program installed on a mobile device using a gesture. Indeed, to activate this option you need to open the menu and click on the “Gestures” button in the phone’s settings.

At this point, you can see all versions of gestures in the form of letters "V", "S", "W", circle, etc., with which the user can open any program. It remains only to choose a movement and “tie” it to a specific program.

AirPlay and Android

Secret options of the Android OS allow owners of smartphones running on this operating system to use the popular “apple” application AirPlay. This development by Apple allows mobile devices to receive audio or video signals from third-party electronic devices running on iOS.

Any Android will become the receiver of such a signal of iOS devices, if the owner of the mobile gadget:

  • download the AirPlay / DLNA Receiver application to your phone;
  • will go into the settings of the smartphone;
  • check the boxes next to Airplay and AirTunes.
The AllCast program will help smartphone owners convert their Android into a transmitter of audio recordings and video files to iOS devices. Once you install and run this application on your phone, this program will start searching for a receiver with the Airplay application to transfer files from the gadgets of your mobile gadget to this device.

These useful features are “hidden” in Android. True, most of these options become available only to owners of smartphones, in time to update the operating system of their mobile devices to version 7.0.